

They gave me an example of what to write here but no one gave me one for life.  One moment I am one thing the next I am in a whirlwind of change, once single next moment in a relationship and the surrogate mother of two beautiful children learning how to cook, wipe away snot and worse, throwing a tantrum on the floor that would make Naomi Campbell jealous…

The characters that exist both past and present will grow and decrease as life moves forward, trials and errors, fun and games… what ever may be this here be the Chronicals of Insanity in the spirit of all that is…

2 responses to this post.

  1. Oh, THERE you are Dahlink. LOL.
    I’ve missed you.


    • I’ve missed you tooz, soon I’ll be doing the rounds to the blogs just doing my 10th load of washing and cursing out loud at domesticalities yurgh yurgh *sighs* … lol Hope you are well dahlinks!


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