Posts Tagged ‘10 honest things about me’

Honest Crap…


I stole that wicked sign post from Joy, all four of my personalities agreed it should be fun…   Now I have to think of 10 honest things to tell you about me.

1. My hate for spiders started when I was 8 and out on a hike with a church group (wait I know that sounds odd hang on).  We were half way to the caves, about 4 hours in (it was indeed a day hike) and I had taken off my shoes because we had just walked through a stream.

Back then I didn’t really look where I was walking, since then I always look towards the ground… One moment it was solid ground the next moment I stood on a baboon spider (I think they’re called tarantulas everywhere else).  I’ll never forget the feeling of its hair under my foot or between my toes for as long as I live.  These days I don’t go near a spider no matter how “cute” they apparently are.  Forget about it!

2.  I hate umbrellas, honestly I’d rather get wet than use one.  People who carry them in the streets forget how big they are and how pointy the ends are then when they poke me in the head they wonder why I get mad.  Yurgh

3.  I have taken over 30,000 photos in my life, starting at the age of 10, and lost 90% due to a) not backing up a computer that then decided to fry itself without the egg or bacon b) negatives (a lot) disappearing in a move and c) with people who disappeared… Now I back it all up both on CD and online storage.

4.  I only own one handbag and its not a design I would buy for myself, I have 6 pairs of shoes and 5 pairs of pants to my name… I love clothes, shoes and handbags but gave everything I couldn’t pack into my one bag away when I fled to the UK. My jackets and warm things were given to me by two close friends for whom I’ll always be grateful.

5.  My dream is to touch the world, not for personal gratification but to die knowing that in this lifetime I did something that made a difference and that it wasn’t a waste.

6.  My friends are my friends because they can stand my sense of humour, those that can’t stand ambiguity or insinuations never last long out of frustration.

7.  I am spontaneous and impulsive, often getting myself into trouble but can’t stand unannounced visitors or surprise parties… the worst was when I was visiting a friends and they decided to invite a travelling fling, who was unknown to him on the way out, to surprise me.

8.  I have only travelled 3% of the world, the other 97% is still on my to-do before I die list (ok maybe 50%).

9.  I talk to myself, tree’s, flowers and especially the food I put on to cook normally in a begging not to burn voice.

10.  I dreamt in November 2007 that I was filling out this Tag, sitting exactly where I am sipping my coffee… freaky

If you’re on my blogroll you’re it.  Take the award and post it on your blog with 10 honest and random things about you.

I think I am still insane but no tantrums thus far… fingers crossed!