Posts Tagged ‘marriage’

Houston we have a partay

… and um some news?

Well its slightly new just kept zipped lips because its confusing the hell out of me and nothing is set until we figure out this immigration law period.  Every second it changes as we learn new information but Jude and I have decided to get married.  There its out now going to crawl into my proverbial shell and rock.

Not that big of a deal which I will state over and over again until I find the courage to accept that it is not just for convenience.  Right now though it is but there are statements that both Jude and I make that belie a different story.  I’m a wimp with some things and I’m not ashamed to say it.  I mean I once had dreams of being this independent single woman and now my life is on its head (and spinning like a spinning top).

When we first started studying the law it was going to be April, then it turned to May progressing to September and now 2 years time.  The law is a bitch is all I can say.  A real big one at that.  Anyways I’ll keep you posted (cool cucumber me)

Tomorrow is Littlefoots partay at the animal farm and Belle announced this morning that after school we are baking both cookies and cupcakes but not the black ones again cause those are gross.

“Black ones?”

“Yeah those ones we backed last time that were black and gross eew” she said while pulling the all time best grossed out face

Ah the ones I forgot in the oven while hanging up the washing, wiping up spillage and sorting out another lego tantrum *environmental light bulb moment kachingaling*

My reputation for black food precedes me but I must say, just between you and me, I haven’t produced one black food item in over TWO weeks now isn’t that something to partay about?

Nope its Littlefoots party tomorrow, 20 kids now with hopefully non snotty noses and parents who aren’t scary.  I am fascinated to meet a few. 

For instance two days ago this little girl in LF’s class, little blonde thing with classes, comes up to me and stands right in my “zone” and states incredulously “Where is my invitation to LF’s parteeee”.  I politely told her that I must still speak to the father because there is limited space. Her response folks… “You bring the invite tomorrow”

Whoa this kid is only seven, I repeat, seven!!!

Next day… wait for it… she is waiting for me outside Belle’s class.  It seems she had figured out that I fetch her first and that is the best ambush location for serious attack with worded arrows.  Man they were sharp “Well… have you spokens to LF’s dad and where is my invite???” with this glaring look that even got the other mothers giggling.  *sigh* what is this child going to be like when she is a woman, I feel sorry for her partner one day… seriously now can you just imagine?

I let her get it all out of her system, admittedly I was enjoying her little mini tantrum of sorts because it made my kids seem light weights, sweet and verging on angelic in comparison.  I was grateful truly.

I paused for a few moments after the final my my my, popped open my bag and gave her the invite.  She was happy and off she went, I breathed a sigh of relief and then all the hoity toity mothers and I packed up laughing all in agreement that we felt sorry for all future boyfriends/girlfriends.  

I asked LF a bit later what is the deal with this chick and all he could stutter is that he thinks she is in love with him but he doesn’t love her.  Can’t wait to meet the brats parent and have a looksee at how they are, nightmare book material here honest!

An 8 year old with a stalker oh boy.  Worse yet he also has another girl 3 years older wanting to be boyfriend and girlfriend.  He asked if there would be kissing involved and if yes then no thanks. 

Heaven help us when these two are teenagers is all I can say.