Archive for March 9th, 2009

Interview with Joy Erickson

I was interviewed by Joy as part of this funky Meme that is not a meme.  Here are my answers to her five questions (I was really scared honest)!

1. You have lived in a lot of places. Which has been your favorite and why?

England is great although the culture is so regimented and cold

Saudi has its on set of problems, I love the country but the fact that women are so repressed depressed me, not being able to walk freely or explore where I wanted.  The fact that cameras were illegal also pissed the living dingbats out of me!

Kenya is beautiful and I’d go back there in a heart beat but not ever for long term, too much strife and so similar to SA in that way.

Out of all the countries I’d have to say Brazil, although I only lived there for a short while it had the biggest impact on me (perhaps because the stay was so short lol).  There is a certain sparkle about the country, the culture is a fun loving, laugh loving, happy one.  The people can be poor or rich but all seem to work hard and don’t complain about it either.

There of course is also the element of adventure, such a big country and so many things to do and see, so much I still want to see and do.  I have happy memories from that time, I think that is probably the key thing in my choice.

Now can you blame me look at this beautiful beach scene:


Oops sorry wrong one… here is the right one, I lived 2 blocks from this beach!


2. If you could only pick ONE cookie, which would you choose! No cheating on this one!

image Cheating? Me? Moi? Neffa! hmph… my big BIG vice (yeah shush I know I got more than a few) is Peanut Butter cookies with the nuts in.  There is something about the flavour and how they melt in your mouth… and… its the one cookie I have baked that has never changed colour to black ever!

What can I say, put a plate of them in front of me, look away and magic… kapoof all gones! quick as sticks


image 3. What “chore” in your new life do you like the least?

Probably cleaning toilets, I hate hate hate that because well eeew!!!  That and dishes, I kiss my dishwasher each and every day in thankfulness and gratefulness that it was a) invented and b) where I live!


4. What is your favorite thing to aim your camera at?

image New places, there is something about visiting new places that sparks my creativity like none other.  Its as if my eyes are opened wide and a kaleidoscope of abstract reality flows weaving wonders and wows.


5. If a big bouquet of flowers arrived at your door, what kind would you like them to be?

Multi-coloured tulips, or just one colour, I love them! There is just something about them that I have always loved, them and orchids strangely enough…


Now, if you would like ME to interview YOU, here’s what to do:
1. Leave me a comment saying, “Interview me.”
2. I will email you 5 questions.
3. You answer the questions on your blog.

I honestly don’t know how you all do it…

image Seriously now, 20 kids let loose on an animal farm I found myself with the urge to attach dog leads on each and everyone of them at the rate they ran wild and free.  I should’ve.

Within 10 minutes Belle decided to go independent AWOL on us. No jokes.  We found her after another 10 minutes surfing the big slides with not a worry in the world and quite pissed off that we had tracked her down!

How on earth all of you have done this I just don’t know, more so… how come all of you are still sane? Gawd help me these kids are young and there will be so many more parties but alas Jude and I have agreed that next party we are sneaking in a hip flask each of the strong stuff and a few prozac’s for good measure!

There were good times though and the part was filled with extreme laughter and thankfully there were two experienced mothers that stayed to help (I kissed their feet too). 

The kids slowly got their heads around my random English to the point that when I offered them yellow juice and then all hell broke loose.  I found myself being tapped on the shoulder by one of the mothers and politely told that it was not yellow juice but orange juice!

My response was naturally that the liquid in question is indeed yellow, smells like hyperactivity and asked where orange came into it.  The kids heard this but I think they picked up more on the hyper part of the whole convo and proceeded to chant “Yellow juice yellow juice” holding up their little plastic cups with big grins.  Bless their little hyperactive loud hearts!

From then on the other two mothers thought best to convert to my version of English and yellow juice it was. 

I don’t know if I am alive right this second or where my sanity is still present (ok not that it ever was but still). 

All in all a good party that ended with Belle, the true lady, saying really loudly “I JUST FARTED” with loud squeals of laughter… I have some work to do, the poor child has grown up in a male household!

If God had Facebook
